The Watersheds Project is a fiscally-supported project of The Ocean Foundation. Tax deductible contributions can be made via our online form.
The Watersheds Project provides visual geospatial and temporal literacy
to help the world discuss the nature of global issues and apply their
focus on local action to help combat negative global trends or magnify
positive global trends from the perspective of their community.
The project enables communities to participate in a process we design on behalf
of their local watershed. The project helps communities participate in
community health through a water quality focus by servicing its visual
geospatial literacy needs to a customized interface, built upon a shared
on-line interface, to allow a community to promote their own specific Web
address with a Watershed-to-Ocean Initiative tool suite available in the
project website. What does that mean? Take a look at an example watershed tutorial.
The Watersheds Project began as a two-year start-up project at The Ocean
Project (itself a fiscally-supported project of The Ocean Foundation)
and spun off on January 1, 2011 to continue its existence as a separate
entity that works closely with The Ocean Project to leverage shared
agendas, missions, and business plans.
The Watersheds Project provides communities around the world mapping
tools to build a strong geospatial visual literacy on the subject of the
local watershed. We provide communities with on-line tutorials and
education materials to teach how to use watershed visualization for
planning community action towards watershed quality (e.g. water quality,
biodiversity, native species, eco-friendly development, etc.).
We intend to provide back-end social networking facilities for
connecting citizens in the watershed for them to use to communicate
tasks and opportunities for civic engagement. Computer-mediated
communications services have been successful for many social groups
through popular tools like Facebook and Lotus Notes. Our focus is to
build consensus among citizens as to the benefits of civic-mindedness,
volunteering, and life-long learning centered around environmental
awareness and conservation.
As a close partner of The Ocean Project,
which sponsored our work for the first two years of project growth, we
make strong connections between watershed health and ocean health as a
large majority of watershed waters end up in the ocean and become a key
constituent of ocean health. We are building a worldwide visualization
of all stream networks whereby anyone who has a Web browser can
investigate the globe and click on a landmass to see how water at that
location drains to the ocean via intermediary streams, rivers, deltas,
and bays. The visualization is built bottom-up whereby any community can
manage the stream network data and water characteristics description
for their local watershed. Wiki-like review by knowledgeable scientists
facilitates long-term quality improvements over time, but puts
responsibility for primary management in the hands of communities.
Many bottom-up ideas will be considered for implementation in Watersheds
Project work. An adopt-a-stream-segment exemplifies a potential
facility for allocating stream quality accountability and knowledge
acquisition worldwide. Having worked with watershed scientists, we will
aim to connect the top-down scientist approaches we have seen in action
with bottom-up general public understanding.
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