Ways to Add CSS

CSS Syntax

CSS Syntax

Selector → Selects the HTML element to be styled
Declaration → Includes CSS property name and value, separated by a colon; multiple declarations separated by semicolons

CSS Selectors

Selector Meaning
#id Select a specific element based on id attribute
.class Select any elements with specific class attribute
* Universal selector (selects all elements on page)
h1, h2, p Group selector separated with a comma
div > p Selects direct children of a specified element
div p Selects descendents of a specified element
div + p Adjacent sibling selector: Selects the element directly after another specific element
div ~ p General sibling selector: Selects all elements that are next siblings of specific element

Commonly Used Properties

Property Meaning Sub-Property (ex:background–color) Sample Values
color Specify text color predefined color, RGB, HEX
text Specify text formatting align, decoration, transform, indent center, none, uppercase
background Specify background effects color, image, repeat, attachment, position url("image name"), no-repeat, scroll, top left
margin Create space around elements, outside of any defined borders top, right, bottom, left px (pixels), % (relative to parent element), em (relative to font size)
border Style an element's borders width, style, color 1px solid black
padding Create space around element's content, inside of any defined borders top, right, bottom, left px (pixels), % (relative to parent element), em (relative to font size)
display Specify if/how an element is displayed inline, block, flex, grid
