The Meetingpages code base was used by the OWorld community as a cross-platform instant messaging service — sharing resources on demand. We relied on its ability to keep developer teams in the USA, Italy, and Australia connected while working around the clock comfortably.
Chatspaces provided for lightweight (no plug-in or install required), real-time, chat spaces — connected via the open-source OWorld community server. The focus was on lightweight clients to connect the most possible number of Web-connected users.
Drawspaces provided lightweight real-time shared drawing with the OWorld server.
Meetspaces provided for lightweight real-time shared virtual environments via the OWorld community server. Features of value to the community included plug-in-free Java-based 3-D renderers, efficient message dispatching, canvas-based event model, tabbed panel implementation, advanced behavior expression, and flexible skinning and branding. The Meetspaces was used to various projects to connect users with the Shout3D, Anfy3D, Java3D and Atmosphere renderers.