Faculty, Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)
Visual Analyst, Center for Environmental Visualization, U Washington
Collaborator, Computer Science (research), Brown U
Sole Proprietor, Bruce Donald Campbell Consulting

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Systems-oriented thinker and technology integrator

Bruce is an information and computer science project director, and part-time academic, who bridges knowledge gaps with art and design to bring the full potential of simulation, visualization, and computer-mediated communications to an augmented mind pursuing insight on a mindful life interbeing with nature.


Representative Projects


Bruce has helped many organizations develop a Web presence. He's created Web templates, implemented Web templates, developed user experiences with interactivity, and integrated Web designs with content management systems like Drupal, Wordpress, Joomla, and Moodle.


Bruce has been involved in many other projects as a contributor, cooperative partner, or collaborator. The twelve above are the most extensive in which Bruce was the conceptual lead and implementer. Many collaborations are with the CEV over the years.




Slant was a game I developed during my masters work to explore working collaboratively over the Internet with 3-D content. Performing coordinated logistical tasks under time pressure with limited communications bandwidth simulated the realities of many emergency response activities.

Click here to read more and access demos

Accomplishments and AWARDS


A working life, if done correctly, provides one with a variety of projects in which to learn while doing. Learn about people, situation, context — learn about life itself. Sure, computer-mediated technologies provide a lot of interesting learning opportunities too, but without the variety of circumstance in which one investigates what's possible, how deep is the journey?

I woke up one day in 1999 and realized I didn't think about my working life properly. There have been so many projects — so many people, places, and objectives. Each project so fascinating solely upon taking time for the reflection in which to be contemplated. A project unfolds before one's eyes. There is no inate ability to perceive the details in advance. One must stay open and listen for answers where no previous personal experience can anticipate their form. This website is not precise on specific times, places, or affiliation details. But, it documents one life as a series of projects whereby a person grows to become the person he is. It's not about the resume or the accolades or the sense of the material rewards brought on by a fulfilling working life. It is about the flow attainable in one working life when the awareness of flow begins to dominate one's consciousness.

If I can help another person see her working life in similar perspective, I think this page has been worthwhile. If a young person with much of their life ahead of them can gain some vicarious benefit, so be it. Even that potential suggests a most excellent reason for getting this site on-line. This page provides lists of projects and events associated with them as the work played out. Additional details will continue to unfold over the years to come. As I replay my life, I realize how each experience contains much serendipity, surprise, lessons learned, and evolution — and the realization of those add heaps to one's quality of life. Thank you to everyone who has been a contributor in making this ride meaningful to me. Thank you for letting me contribute to your journey. Let's keep the collaborations and cooperations going strong.

I try to keep my Bruce D Campbell on ResearchGate page up to date.





I believe a working life, if done correctly, provides one with a variety of projects in which to learn while doing. I've mixed my experience with projects in academia, government, and for-profit and non-profit industry. As a result, I have opinions about how the world works and a long list of creative research interests.




© Bruce Donald Campbell 1997-2025